What is Drainscape®?
Drainscape® by Progressive Hardscapes is the proven pervious concrete solution. Pervious concrete allows storm water to flow through the concrete rather than puddling on the surface or forcing water down expensive storm water infrastructure systems.
Drainscape® could be your solution to address sustainability.

We have installed over 550,000 SF of Pervious Concrete in the arid Arizona environment.
If you are interested in Pervious Concrete let us know and we can schedule a lunch presentation or meet with you in your office. We can also help you with Specifications.
We would like the opportunity to take you on a job site tour to show you the quality of our pervious pavement and porous pavement projects. Let us install your next project. Don’t let someone practice on your job!

Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding…
- Specifications
- EPA Documents
- Drawings or Details
- Lunch & Learn Presentations
- Online Presentations
Project Spotlight

Progressive Hardscapes Pervious Concrete Scottsdale
North Scottsdale Park and Ride – a net-zero project that is a leading example of sustainability. This project transformed a vacant lot, once considered an eyesore, into a site that has beautiful form and functionality for transit passengers and provides a park-like destination for visitors from nearby businesses and residences. The use of 119,937 SF of Pervious concrete on this project makes a statement that local government can do their part to address the environmental issues facing us and demonstrate how concrete can be used to promote sustainability.
Pervious concrete was selected as a major component to address sustainability. The concrete works to address issues such as storm water management, helps to recharge ground water aquifers, mitigate heat-island effect due to its low thermal mass which cools off much quicker at night than other pavements, allows plants on the site to thrive, and saves money over the length of the project as it does not need to be resurfaced. The concrete, along with other environmentally friendly components, work to attract riders to this net-zero facility and encourage the use of the bus, thereby reducing pollution and congestion. This project is open to the public. It is located at the southeast corner of Scottsdale and Thunderbird Roads.

Pervious Concrete Basics
DrainScape pervious concrete is a durable concrete pavement with a large volume (approx. 20%) of interconnected voids. Like conventional concrete, it is made from a mixture of cement, coarse aggregates, and water. However, it contains little or no sand, which results in a porous open-cell structure that allows water to drain through it quickly.
When pervious concrete is used for paving, it can take in storm water at a rate of several hundred or more inches of water per square foot per hour, which far exceeds the flow rate needed to prevent runoff in even the most severe rain events.
In slow draining soils, rainwater is temporarily stored in a coarse gravel layer with (approx. 40%) voids underneath the pavement while it is allowed to naturally percolate slowly into the underlying soil, recharging our aquifers. Because the pavement and base layer act as a detention area to capture and infiltrate water, it can completely prevent the polluted site runoff that normally occurs with impervious pavements. Properly designed the pervious concrete system can reduce the cost of the conventional storm water infrastructure and reduce retention basins or bio-swales. This allows the developer to increase revenue by utilizing more of the site.
Pervious concrete pavement systems are fully recognized as an EPA Storm water BMP. As the water percolates through the open cells of the pavement and crushed rock base layer aerobic bacteria in the voids help to break down harmful pollutants and chemicals.
Progressive Hardscapes has installed over 550,000 SF of DrainScape® pervious concrete. We have NRMCA craftsmen in addition to NRMCA installers which are very experienced placing pervious concrete in the hot arid Arizona climate. What makes DrainScape® different than standard pervious concrete is the experience and training of our crews, along with the additional procedures we use during the placement of Drainscape® pervious concrete. In addition to this we have worked on the refinement of our concrete mix designs and all of our concrete mixes are tested for durability and infiltration rates.
We are available to do lunch and learn presentations on pervious concrete as well as other architectural concrete finishes for you and your staff. We can also help you with specifications for your next Arizona pervious concrete project or meet with you individually.
Progressive Hardscapes has installed over 550,000 SF of Pervious Concrete In Arizona. Our crews are the most experienced in the industry and have the highest level of certification available, which includes NRMCA Pervious Craftsman.